Indoor air quality is one of the priority issues to be considered by employers and building managers when assessing the risk (Art. 15 of Legislative Decree 81/08) of: public and private offices, banks, insurance companies, post offices, schools, hospitals, libraries, IT, apps, public transport, etc. Recently, with the spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), our legislator has issued the DPCMs 11/3/2020 and 22/3/2020 and signed the 14/3/2020 protocol to counter and contain the spread of the virus in the workplace (with the drafting of anti-contagious protocols with the main measures to contain the virus through precautions and management of different production environments).
Therefore, it is necessary to act more broadly on the quality of indoor work environments through on the promotion of correct behaviour, the training and preparation of workers and actions to improve the level of knowledge of indoor air quality and on the effects on health.
In our country, all public and private bodies are required to implement a series of actions for the promotion of health prevention in indoor environments, to strengthen training dedicated to indoor environments of technicians and operators with the aim of a continuous improvement of workers' health.
What do we do
Environmental consultancy. Our service is practical and fast, starting from a deep knowledge of regulations, based on chemical analyses and interpreting the results to provide a judgement of suitability to the regulations and providing the necessary advice for compliance with the law.
Our vision is simple: a circle that starts with a regulatory requirement or obligation with the ultimate aim of protecting people and the environment and which makes use of environmental chemical analysis and consultations.